Community wellbeing at a time of crisis
The Surry Hills Neighbourhood Centre (SHNC) has been present in the community through times of change and crisis for over 40 years.
We are committed to providing support and care for the community through our presence and the delivery of programs. We are here to build and support strong and inclusive community in Surry Hills.
SHNC Changes and what that means to you. Some of our services have been put on hold. We have postponed regular groups, classes and activities as we follow Government protocol aimed at reducing the number of new infections of COV_19. This may look a little different each day as we need to remain flexible and focussed. We will continue to monitor and follow the advice of the government, chief medical officer and federal Department of health and respond appropriately to minimise risks for our volunteers, staff and visitors.
Keeping you connected. While we have made the changes needed to keep people safe, we’re working with clients and our communities to put in place different forms of support during this challenging time.
This includes adapting some services, and increasing contact through a phone call service, checking in with those who are isolated and may be vulnerable at this time.
We are here to listen and to help were we can. If you would like us to call you on a regular basis to check in with you or to point you in the right direction for help and support please call the SHNC office to speak to one of our team or to leave a message. You can reach us on 9356 4977
We are able to contact you if you regularly take part in a SHNC group or activity. If you wish, we will also keep you updated on any changes to the program. Please call on 9356 4977 if you would like an update.
Keep safe – some tips
Wash your hands regularly – with soap and water or use hand sanitiser. Handwashing with soap and water is more effective. It’s best to clean your hands for at least 20 seconds with soap and water, or use an alcohol-based sanitiser with at least 60% alcohol.
Cover your sneezes and coughs with your elbow or a tissue.
Avoid close contact with people who are ill
Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth
Stay home unless going out is absolutely necessary.
Keep at a distance from other people – the Department of Health recommends about 1.5m
Reduce contacts – go out less, and avoid crowded places, to reduce the number of close physical and social contact you have with other people
Stay connected but local: Work local, study local, shop local, play local.
Note: We can’t offer medical advice. If you have any concerns, contact your GP, or if you have symptoms, phone healthdirect on 1800 022 222