Market Stallholders General Enquiries

Stallholders Email Newsletter!

Subscribe  to join our occasional email service. We’ll send occasional messages containing all news of interest to stallholders. If you apply to be a stallholder, you’ll automatically be added to this list. If, later on, you no longer want to receive these emails, you can always unsubscribe.

Market Stallholder Information and Applications


When: First Saturday of every month.
Where: Shannon Reserve, Crown Street, Surry Hills.


Bookings for next Market: Applications open on the Thursday 10 days before the market.


Create an account and submit your application here! 


Please note: You can create an account at any time, but the application can be submitted ONLY on Thursday 10 days before each Market.


Successful applicants will be contacted by email on Friday. Stallholders can also check the status of their application by:


  • logging into their Ideal Stall Management account
  • going to ‘Applications and Payments’ tab
  • checking the status of the application -it will be ‘Approved’ for approved stalls , or ‘Approved with Conditions’ for stalls put on the waiting list


There will be no drop ins, if you are not on the bookings list or on the waiting list there will be no availability.

Application Form for next Market


By clicking on this bookings link it signifies that you have read and agree to all the above terms and conditions.


When you complete an application, you will be added to our stallholders mailing list. If you do not want to receive these occasional emails, you can unsubscribe from the mailing list.

General Information


  • The Surry Hills Markets specialises in handmade, second-hand and recycled goods. We reserve the right to reject stall applications which do not match this policy, and we seek to have a diverse range of products on sale at every market.
  • Casual stall spaces must be booked online, and all applications are subject to later approval by the Coordinator. That is, acceptance of your booking by the online system is strictly provisional. The Coordinator has the discretion to reject any application.
  • There are no concessional rates – all stallholders pay the full fee.
  • We do not rent out trestle tables due to insufficient demand.
  • To protect the Council’s investment in the park surface, stallholders on the grassed area must provide protective flooring.
  • The office for the markets is on the first floor of the Surry Hills Community Centre.
  • For enquiries please email Market Coordinator on



Stallholders’ Fees

Fees are collected from market stallholders by the Surry Hills Neighbourhood Centre and help cover the costs of services delivered to the community, including children’s services, educational classes and events and other community outreach projects.


Space Only

Casual Stalls $80.00


Public Liability Insurance


Casuals only $30.00

Please note that if you do not have your own Public Liability Insurance you will be required to pay the $30 fee for each day you have a stall at the market.


Permanent Stallholders


  • There is a maximum of 40 permanent stallholders.
  • There is a waiting list (maintained by the Coordinator) to become a permanent stallholder. Permanents pre-pay for their monthly stall in advance: no cancellations are accepted.
  • Payment must be by bank transfer : refusal will have permanent stallholder status revoked.
  • Permanents must provide copies of current Public Liability insurance certificates.
  • Permanents must be on site by 7:30am, otherwise their space will be allocated to a casual for the day, and no refund will be payable, and the payment for next month is still due.
  • Subletting of stalls is not allowed other than in case of illness/bereavement or other special circumstances as arranged with the Market Coordinator. Fees must be paid to the Market Coordinator under the name of the permanent stall operator.
  • Permanents will be permitted a maximum of 2 absences per year. Notification of an impending absence must be in writing and authorised by the Coordinator or Assistant Coordinator.


Casual Stallholders


  • You will need to apply for a casual stall using the online application form (below conditions) on the Thursday in the week prior to the Market (i.e. 10 days before the Market day). Applications are accepted from midday till midnight.
  • No bookings are taken for casual stalls at other times.
  • Acceptance of your booking by the online system does not guarantee acceptance. All acceptances are provisional and are subject to approval by the Market Coordinator.
  • Payment must be by bank transfer :
  • These payments must be made via bank transfer on notification, via email, that your application is pre-approved payment due .
  • Casuals must provide copies of Public Liability insurance certificate. If no insurance, casuals must pay $30 to be covered by the SHNC policy for the day.
  • Casual stallholders may apply to be placed on the waiting list for permanent stallholders. Discuss this in person with the Coordinator.

Conditions for all Stallholders


  • All stallholders indicate their acceptance of these conditions by making a booking at the Market.
  • The location and allocation of stalls is at the absolute discretion of the Market Coordinator and the Assistant Market Coordinator.
  • Stallholders whose place at the market is confirmed need to be at the site between 6am and 7.30 am on the day of the market to pay the stall fee and get allocated to a spot.
  • Stallholders must set up in the space they have been allocated and remain in that space irrespective of weather conditions.
  • Gazebos must stay within 3x3m, or stallholders will be required to pay an additional $40 penalty fee.
  • Goods sold must be handmade, recycled or second hand.
  • No stalls allowed in the soft-fall area of the children’s playground.
  • There is no designated parking for Surry Hills Neighbourhood Centre and Surry Hills Market, only street parking.
  • No vehicles are allowed to enter the grassed area of Shannon Reserve.
  • Handbills shall not be distributed in the Market area.
  • Market activity must be contained within the Reserve and must not extend onto the footpaths surrounding it.
  • No amplified music is permitted.
  • No unsilenced generators are permitted.
  • No alcohol shall be sold.
  • Stallholders on the grassed area must provide flooring to protect the grass. Suitable matting can be purchased from most discount stores.
  • Stallholders must remove their own rubbish.
  • Stallholders must pack up and vacate the area by 4:30pm on each Market day. Failure to comply with this will result in a warning, and repeat offences will result in future attendance being refused.
  • Stallholders who do not comply with all requirements may be banned from future markets.


Food Stalls


Sale of food shall comply with the provisions of the 2003 Food Act and with Council’s regulations for Temporary Food Premises and will meet the requirements of the City of Sydney Health and Building Department. All food stallholders must obtain a permit from the City of Sydney Council for the day of the Market.


Further information and forms can be downloaded from the City of Sydney website.


Wet Weather Policy


The Surry Hills Markets are never cancelled due to weather. At the discretion of the Market Coordinator or the City of Sydney, a wet market may be restricted to the paved area to protect the grass, but the market will proceed.


Permanent stallholders, who pay in advance, will not receive a if they do not attend a market because of bad weather (or for any other reason). If they do not attend, then at the next market, the payment due from them will be for two markets.


These fees will need to be paid at the next market. Failure to make payment of outstanding fees will result in loss of permanent stallholder status.